Originally Posted by
Columcille pointed out the existence of a
resource by Dr. Martin, en***led "The ****sexual Holocaust". I must say I'm a bit horrified...but also intrigued as to how Dr. Martin compared same-sex unions (or people?) to the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Jews, gypsies, and
Does anyone have any further information about this resource? Is it available (or possible to be made available) in audio or video format online? Is there a transcript I could peruse?
Thank you!
Looking for more info on this article, actually led me to an interesting article
on ****sexuals in the Holocaust (for those interested).
In effect, the definition of "public morality" was made a police matter. In 1936, Himmler created the Reich Central Office for the Combating of ****sexuality and Abortion and appointed Joseph Meisinger to head up the office. The results of these administrative changes is very apparent. According to Burleigh and Wipperman (1991:192):
...While in 1934 766 males were convicted and imprisoned, in 1936 the figure exceeded 4,000, and in 1938 8,000. Moreover, from 1937 onwards many of those involved were sent to concentration camps after they had served their "regular" prison sentence...
more found http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/...aust/****.html