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My bad, TRiG did not participate in "opportunity for BrotherBrian and co." section. However, it does not change my original thought that he would love to see the Church change. So long as he considers it a civil rights issue, I can see him justifying Government taking away tax-exemption status or even approving of litigation against churches that refuse to honor, respect, or approve of ****sexuality since as a matter of justice he would see it an injustice if Government did not do or allow some sort of punitive actions against such religious en***ies. He may still think we have a cons***utional right to religion, but that does not matter as his regard to sentiment that he would like to see all the Churches approve of ****sexual unions. My opinion of what he thinks has not radically changed. What aspect he considers that I "lied" about is merely a matter of breaking down my deduction. I still think he would love nothing more than to kill Christian orthodoxy on this subject, so I think he is either not entirely honest or his sentiment is confused because he hasn't really thought of the implications and natural end of making ****sexual unions a civil rights issue and tie it into churches being in direct violation of such civil rights matters at least in his mind. I do not think ****sexuals should marry, period, and I would not support any church that approved of such marriages. If it is a civil rights issue, it applies to all sectors of our society, including church, just as racism in churches can lead to civil lawsuits.