Search the Bible, Dictionaries, Lexicons, Commentaries and More
Audio Bible On-Line
provides the complete King James Version of the Bible narrated by Stephen Johnston in a Real Audio format.
Bible Gateway Concordance
searches the Bible in nine languages and multiple Bible versions.
is a free online Bible study resource for anyone who is interested in reading and researching scripture on the Internet offering the Bible in 28 different languages as well as a variety of versions.
Bible Studies Foundation
distributes sound, evangelical Bible study materials to those with small personal libraries or without access to a local Bible college or seminary library.
Bibles for the World
provides a free resource to read and study the Bible online in many different languages and forms. They currently offer 32 translations of the Bible as well as a online Bible study tool and Bible search tools.
Blue Letter Bible
contains a basic English Bible: an 18th century version of the "King James" translation and incredible Study Tools.
- The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK) is essentially a list of verses that pertain to a particular verse—in other words, a series of cross-references (311,000 in all).
- Greek and Hebrew versions of the text using original-language typography—this is helpful for word study and translation.
- Concordance listings for most words showing a list of all verses in which a given word occurs—this is available both for the English translation and for the original language.
- Lexicon definitions for the original language and a listing showing the different ways in which specific words have been translated into English and giving a pronunciation guide.
- Cross reference of Biblical words into six different study guides—including Vine's, Nave's and Torrey's.
- Commentaries for each verse in the Bible, from sources both old (such as Matthew Henry) and modern (through "conservative" Bible-believing Pastors and Commentators)—includes both text and audio versions.
- Maps and engravings—which we pray will help the Body study God's Word.
- Approximately 85,000 pages of data have been added to the Blue Letter Bible. Through the use of computer programs, these 85,000 pages have been interlinked with the verses of the Bible: chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, or word-by-word. About 1,200,000 links were added to integrate all the information together, allowing effective study of God's word.
Context Bible Verse Search
assist you in looking up a verse within its context. The Context Bible Verse Search is hyperlinked to Matthew Henry's Commentary.
Dead Sea Scrolls
brings before the American people a selection from the scrolls which have been the subject of intense public interest.
is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package.
Early Church Fathers
is a 38-volume collection of writings from the first 800 years of the Church.
Greek Grammar on the Web
provides a listing of web sites for learning as well as teaching ancient Greek language and grammar.
ICLnet Guide to Early Church Documents
relates to the early church, including canonical documents, creeds, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and other historical texts relevant to church history.
Internet Public Library
serves the public by finding, evaluating, selecting, organizing, describing, and creating quality information resources.
Library of Congress
mission is to make its resources available and useful to the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations.
Net Bible Institute
is a complete course of study about what Christianity believes and teaches. It is our vision to reach the entire world with the truths of the Christian faith. It is our conviction that this should be done totally without charge.
Our Daily Bread Devotionals
allow you to select a devotional and a day from the graphical calendar.
Reformed Sermons
is an index and collection of Christian sermons and outlines, articles, meditations, and lectures, from contemporary Reformed pastors, many of whom are Baptists.
Webster's Dictionary
has a point-and-click client interface for accessing various dictionary services on the Internet.