so I believe it should go like this..

You sign up your new baby with your insurance at birth.
you get cheaper insurance for your child for about the first 5 years, and after that its back to the normal changes.

But as the child grows and gets their first *** at age 15, or 16 or so, they would see that their insurance company takes a bit from each of their checks.

no untill the child reaches age 21 - 30 (or whatever age you signed the child up to be under the plan for) would that have the chance to drop that insurance, but we could make this hard to do, like point out that they may face a hard time getting other insurance that will cover their own children as cheaply.

then at the age when they are even first thinking about dropping their insurance, their parents would pull them aside and tell them that the whole family would get a slightly lower rate if they stick with the same plan, and if they sign their own future children up too!!!!!.

so we dont need a mandate to have everyone in a family covered for their whole lives....we just need the correct motivation!

true persuasion is like this,.,,,,it's more quiet.

You dont try to change people's actions, you try to provide a path that allows people to change it for themselves.