Quote Originally Posted by Dmarie View Post
Greetings my friends.

I have not been well, but I am hoping to be back soon.
I still have much to say to the two of you...so, be ready for me!
Please keep me and my son in your prayers.

Many blessings...Dmarie
I hope what you have to say will help me see where along my original post points may error. I have an idea in my mind that you will avoid the points as you currently do in favor of finding things within the Latin Rite to draw comparisons. There are comparisons to be made, but it is in a semantical viewpoint; the language used by the Latin Rite is not the same or in the same perception as the Eastern Catholics/Orthodox Churches. Until the Eastern Catholic/Orthodox perspective is addressed accurately, I do not see any form of argumentation to be worth consideration. The main point that has persuaded me is in terms of the purification of the whole Christian person--the spirit, the flesh, and the soul. The spirit resides in the soul, and the soul has cognition, and the flesh is controled by this union of spirit and soul by the grace of God. At what times and in what manner does each of these parts of humankind's make-up purified? My answers were already given, the spirit upon regeneration (as outlined by John 3) in conversion, the flesh at death--but most importantly at the bodily resurrection, and the soul immediately when in the presence of God upon death. If the soul was purified in this life, then there is no possibility for sin by the Christian. If the soul is purified by the death of the flesh, then the soul is itself flesh due to cognition only being tied to the body. However, I don't believe you would ***ume that as a correct position. How you would reconcile the purification of the soul, which is not of a corruptable nature (meaning it does not cease to exist after death--even those destined to hell are cognitive of their sufferings and therefore alive in a real sense though metaphorically speaking this is their second death; because death is considered by human ****ogy to be the most intense suffering in this life. How you reconcile soul's purification is what I would like to know.