Quote Originally Posted by Saxon View Post
It isn’t that I am interested in crushing something as such but I am interested in the truth. I am of the opinion that OSAS is not in scripture as it conflicts with much scripture from Genesis to Revelation. I do admit that I “miss” OSAS as far as it being scriptural. You say that the doctrine you rely on is scripture, taken in context. You have failed to show this to me in the case of OSAS. I do not doubt your sincerity in that you truly believe it but I believe that you are sincerely wrong.

The idea that I am just looking to win an argument is almost an insult but I am thick skinned and let it bounce off. The way it is between us is that we are diametrically apposed on this subject and there can only be one of us that correct. OSAS is either right or it is wrong. There can be no middle ground. Is being an amb***ador for Christ, an excuse for not proclaiming the truth as you see it to be? I think that is a betrayal to Christ that said that the truth will set you free.

We should be able to discuss this and remain at a friendly level; after all we are both Christians. I do believe that we owe it to each other to inform each other as to what we see is the truth and from the scripture, why we see it as the truth.

I do wish that you would comment on what I say so I can see better why you hold to OSAS. If I am missing the point I won’t find it unless you or someone that believes it can show me. I hope that you can say the same about me showing you what and why I believe that OSAS is not scriptural. After all we are both claiming to want the truth.
Hello Saxon,

My comment was not meant to insult you but to encourage you to season your words. Yes we both believe the other is incorrect and obviously without that type of friction there would be no discussion and I do believe we are brothers in Christ and should treat each other accordingly. John T made a good point, all the verses in the Bible are friends and if we misunderstand them it doesn't change their meaning. So we must take what we know to be true concerning God and go from there. In the case of eternal security, would God lie? No. Would He trick us or leave out information? No. Is salvation only for those who understand all scripture perfectly? No.
Did God ever say He would take back His gift or that we must keep ourselves saved? No. My belief that when you are saved you are saved for eternity, starts with God's character and the trust I have that He will do for me what I cannot do. He is willing and able to rescue me, adopt me into His family and to keep me in His family in spite of my failings.