The thing is, no one that is not a Christian can be righteous. The Old Testament Saints were righteous based on their relationship to Jeohavah God and his commandments. I can understand a Christian saying they and the Jews worship the same God because we share the Old Testament, so that doesn't bother me as much. But the Muslims do not worship Yahweh. allah is not Yahweh.

If you compare how they see Allah to how we and even the Jews understand God, you'll note that.

Plus, they also like to twist and change the stories of both the Old and New Testaments.

If you could go back in time to about 100 A.D or so, and asked a Catholic if he worshiped the same God as the Muslims and you would not get the same answer that the Catechism says. They would call them Heathens or pagans.

Shall we also say that the Zoroastrians worship the same god as us too?