Quote Originally Posted by johnd View Post


The Bible math is not a failure.
All people that attempt to do "Bible math" will fail!

Oh they pat themselves on the back for being able to screw with the numbers to make things work out for stuff in the past...LOL

Oh they love to say that added up this number to that number,then subtracted the number of hairs on the 2nd knuckle of their left hand, then added the number of licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll and ended up with the date for the start of WW2.

It means NOTHING!

You give me any date and i bet i can find ways to add up different verses in the Bible to come up with any date you want to pick.

So Bible Math of the past is meaningless.

The Bible Math that i speak of is where people try to add up numbers and get to some type of date in the future.

The name "Miller" comes to mind.

This is why i never get mixed up in End Time conversations.
The reason is, that one thing leads to another, and before you know it you hear someone make the claim that they have 'unlocked" the meaning of the End Times verses, and by doing some math have come up for the date of the end of the world.

Sooner or later it always happens, and it always ends in FAIL