Quote Originally Posted by MacG View Post
Ok. So there is no "torture". How do you get one who has strong alliance to what we call a terror campaign (jihad) break that bond to give information to prevent future murders, excuse me, cleansings? The militant Jihad goal is to cleanse the world of the infidel and they will not stop until either of the two are vanquished. What to do?

"Murder" is an acceptable term. I hope you don't think that I in any way want to give a p*** to the barbarous actions of immoral thugs and terrorists.

You are correct about the agenda of militant jihadists. Which is precisely why we must not legitimize their slanderous propaganda against the West. When we act ethically in accordance with our values, we cause violent extremists to lose rapport in the eyes of the m***es.

Torture has always been prohibited in America - all the way back to George Washington. As for how to obtain information, we can and should do it the way we always have. I can quote from a couple of Army interrogators describing the process if you're interested.